Formal Ball

  1. Follow the Ikasucon Code of Conduct at all times.
  2. No conga lines.
  3. The Ikasucon Dance Coordinator has final say on dress, activities, and behavior at the Formal Ball and may ask an attendee to leave the ball at any time for any reason. If you are asked to leave and wish to protest the decision, please contact Con Ops.


Dress Code


  • All garments should be in good condition and wrinkle free.
  • All garments must meet the standards listed in the Ikasucon Code of Conduct.


  • Dresses and skirts must be no shorter than 2-3 inches above the knee.
  • Mesh holes in dresses are not permitted. Mesh as an accent on a garment is permitted.


Dress Shirts/Pants
  • T-shirts, polo shirts, jeans, and cargo shorts are not permitted.
  • Collared shirts must be buttoned in an acceptable manner. Shirts must cover midriff and chest area fully. One or two buttons left unbuttoned at the collar are acceptable when neckwear is not worn. Ikasucon Staff reserves the right to ask that shirts be buttoned further.
  • Formal neckwear is encouraged but not required. Examples of formal neckwear include: cravats, ties, and bow ties.
  • Suits are encouraged but not required.
  • Undergarments should not be visible.


  • Formal footwear such as oxfords, heels, flats, etc. are acceptable.
  • Tradtional Japanese footwear such as geta, zori, and seta are permitted when worn with traditional garments.
  • All footwear must be clean.
  • Sneakers, casual sandals, and flip-flops are not permitted.


  • Costumes must follow the dress code as listed above. If a fictional character wears an outfit that “almost but not quite” follows the dress code (such as wearing blue jeans or tennis shoes with a sport coat), that costume must be modified to fit the dress code.
  • School uniforms are not permitted.
  • Props or costume parts that impede movement must be kept off the dance floor. Ikasucon will not be responsible for damage to props or costume pieces.
  • Body paint or face paint, including sealed paint, will not be permitted.
  • Masks are permitted.
  • Japanese clothing and formal wear, including Lolita, is permitted as long as it follows the dress code.
  • Dress military uniforms are permitted as long as they are formal military uniforms. Field uniforms (including Attack on Titan “Survey Corps” style uniforms), battle armor, and fantasy armor will not be permitted.
  • Fursuits are permitted as long as the suit includes formal wear that meets the above criteria with the exception of Footwear.


The Ikasucon Dance Coordinator has final say on what is and is not appropriate for the Formal Ball.